Elizabeth Neal
6 min readDec 4, 2022


How to Make Money Writing Articles: An Insiders Guide to Making $200-$300 Per Article

photo by KTEditor on Pixabay

Making money writing articles is a great way to create a side hustle for a second income stream. Whether you’re a full-time writer, a freelancer, or just starting out, you can start out making a great amount of money writing articles.

With the right strategies, you can make up to $200-$300 per article. In this guide, we’ll share insider tips on how to make money writing articles that will set you up for success. We’ll talk about the different types of articles you can write, how to find paying clients, and ways to increase your rates. So, if you’re ready to start making money writing articles, keep reading to learn our insiders’ guide to success.

Crafting Your Pitch

Before we dive into the details of how to make money writing articles, let’s first talk about how to pitch your articles. When you pitch an article,you’re essentially offering to write it for a client.

You’ll need to come up with a compelling pitch that will get clients to say “yes” to your offer. You can use a few different formats for your pitch, but we recommend using the following:

Who — Who is this article for?

What — What will be included in the article? Where — Where will it be published?

When — When do you need the article completed? Why — Why are you the best person to write it? How — How will you get the article to your client?

Creating Quality Content

If you want to make money writing articles, you have to create quality content. Without quality content, you won’t be able to attract clients. And if you don’t have clients, you won’t be able to make money. Luckily, creating quality content is much more simple than many people think. All you need to do is follow these three steps:

1. Find Your Angle — Before you begin writing, you need to define your angle. What is the main focus of your article? Once you’ve identified your angle, make sure you weave it into every sentence. You want to make sure each of your sentences is relevant and adds value so that you don’t waste your reader’s time.

2. Find Your Audience — Once you’ve created your article, you need to find your audience. Luckily, there are many tools you can use to find your audience. For example, you can use Google Trends to see what articles are currently trending. You can use Google Alerts to track keywords relevant to your niche. You can even use Reddit to research what articles are currently trending.

3. Find Your Ending — Once you’ve found your angle, targeted audience, and have a general idea of what you want to write, you need to come up with a conclusion. Your conclusion should tie everything together and leave your readers with takeaway value. It should also be short and sweet so that readers don’t get bored and click away.

Strategies to Increase Your Rates

Now that we’ve walked you through how to create quality content, let’s talk about how to increase your rates. Raising your rates is the best way to increase your income. If you want to make $200 per article, you’ll need to start with $50 per article. But how do you do that? Here are a few ways to increase your rates:

· Find New Markets — Start with the markets you’re familiar with and then branch out from there. If you’ve only been pitching to one website or one type of client, start looking for new opportunities.

· Find New Service Offerings — You may have a few main offerings, but what about all the other services you can provide? Find New Client Types — Are you only pitching to businesses? What about pitching to other types of clients such as nonprofits, magazines, or websites?

· Find New Payment Types — What other payment types are out there that you can offer? PayPal, cash, or trade are all great options. Find New Paying Markets — Is there another market that pays more for your services?

· Find New Reputation Building Opportunities — If you want to earn a higher rate, you need to build a higher reputation. Find New Value-Add Service Offerings — What other services can you offer with your articles?

· Find New Ways to Save Your Clients Money — How can you help your clients save money?

Tips to Make the Most of Your Time

Now that we’ve talked about how to create quality articles, increase your rates, and find new markets, let’s talk about how to make the most of your time. To maximize your profits, you need to maximize the amount of time you have to write. Here are a few tips you can use to make the most of your time:

Find Time in Your Day — First, find time in your day to write. You may need to rearrange your schedule or make sacrifices, but if you want to make money, you have to make time to write.

Find a Writing Schedule — Next, find a writing schedule that works for you. You may find that you work better in the morning or at night or on the weekends or you may find that you need to write every day.

Find Accountability Partners — You’ll also want to find someone to hold you accountable. Whether you find a writing partner, join a writing group, or hire a coach, you’ll want someone to keep you on track and encourage you when you start to lose motivation.

Growing Your Business

Finally, let’s talk about how to grow your business. Writing is a business, and you need to treat it as such if you want to make money. Here are a few ways to grow your business:

Get Out There — First, you need to get out there and meet people. You can’t continue to write in a vacuum. You need to make connections, build relationships, and form partnerships with other businesses and individuals.

Find New Clients — Once you’ve connected with people and formed relationships, you need to find new clients. You can do this in a few different ways. You can use your connections to find new clients.

You can also use digital marketing tools like social media, blogs, and online publishing platforms to find new clients. Find New Partners — You can also partner with other businesses in your niche to offer a combination of services.

You can also partner with a few other people in your niche and create a package deal to offer a larger scope of services to your clients. Find New Add-On Services — You can also add new services to your business such as SEO, web design, copywriting, or virtual assistant services.

Tracking Your Progress

Finally, let’s talk about tracking your progress. You need to track your progress if you want to make money writing articles. How do you track your progress? Here are a few ways to track your progress:

Track Your Hours — First, you’ll want to track your hours. You can use a time-tracking app to keep track of the hours you spend writing.

Track Your Income — Next, you’ll want to track your income. You can do this by keeping a simple spreadsheet.

Make sure to include the amount of each article and the amount of each client.

Track Your Contests — You can also track your contests. What contests are you entering? Did you win or lose?

What did you earn? Did you place or not place? What did you learn?

Staying Motivated

Finally, let’s talk about staying motivated. Writing can be very difficult. It can be frustrating, tiring, and lonely. If you’re not careful, it can also be very easy to get discouraged.

So, how do you stay motivated when writing can become so difficult? Here are a few ways to stay motivated when writing:

— Keep a Journal

— Journaling is a great way to keep track of your progress and stay motivated.

— Set Goals and Track Your Progress

— Setting goals and tracking your progress will keep you focused and motivated.

— Join a Writing Community

- Joining a writing community will allow you to connect with other writers and stay accountable.

— Take Breaks

— Taking breaks will allow you to stay motivated and refreshed so you can get back to writing stronger.


Now that you’ve read our insider’s guide to making money writing articles, we hope you have a good idea of how to start making money writing articles.

Writing is a great way to earn extra income, and it’s a skill you can learn. Plus, there are lots of opportunities to make money as a writer. You just need to know how to go about it.

